Nate’s Current Reading Plan
The journey of this reading plan is to enjoy the Old and New Testaments in parallel while taking two laps through the Psalms by incorporating a daily portion from the Psalter. This reading plan is a five-day-a-week plan to allow margin for the study of other things or catch up on your reading.
✓ New and Old Testament in parallel
✓ Chronologically organized to where each chapter fits into the general timeline
✓ Only five days a week to give you time to catch-up or focus on Bible studies or spiritual disciplines
✓ Watch short devotional videos (posted on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok) to provide background to the text and further insight
✓ Start your reading at any point of the year and jump right in to the conversation
1) Gen 39-41; Mat 14; Ps 27-29
2) Gen 42-43; Mat 15; Ps 30-31
3) Gen 44-45; Mat 16; Ps 32
4) Gen 46-48; Mat 17; Ps 33
5) Gen 49-50; Mat 18; Ps 34-35
1) Num 20-21; Luke 10; Ps 91
2) Num 22-24; Luke 11; Ps 92
3) Num 25-26; Luke 12; Ps 93–94
4) Num 27-29; Luke 13; Ps 95–96
5) Num 30-31; Luke 14; Ps 97-99
1) Num 32-34; Luke 15; Ps 100–102
2) Num 35-36; Luke 16; Ps 103
3) Deut 1-2; Luke 17; Ps 104
4) Deut 3-4; Luke 18; Ps 105
5) Deut 5-7; Luke 19; Ps 106
1) Deut 8-9; Luke 20; Ps 107
2) Deut 10-12; Luke 21; Ps 108
3) Deut 13-15; Luke 22; Ps 109
4) Deut 16-18; Luke 23; Ps 110
5) Deut 19-21; Luke 24; Ps 111
1) Deut 22-24; John 1; Ps 112
2) Deut 25-27; John 2; Ps 113
3) Deut 28; John 3; Ps 114-115
4) Deut 29-31; John 4; Ps 116-118
5) Deut 32-34; John 5; Ps 119:1–8